
Posted on: June 5th, 2012 by admin No Comments


For laundry and cafeteria “Laundrijs” I made a complete image of the company – from logotype up to selection of paintings for interior. I   participated   competition “ADWARDS” with this logo and got a finalist diploma! In the gallery you can see the logo, a business card, a stamp, a drinks’ menu, posters for events, t-shirts, and the “ADWARDS”  diploma.


Veļas mazgātavai un kafejnīcai “Laundrijs” izveidoju visu firmas stilu – no logotipa līdz krāsu un gleznu izvēlei interjeram. Ar logotipu startēju radošās izcilības festivālā “ADWARDS” un ieguvu finālista diplomu!
Bildēs redzams logo, vizītkarte, zīmogs, dzērienu karte, pasākumu plakāti, t-krekli, kā arī “ADWARDS”  diploms.

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